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Sermon Follow-Up for Sunday March 22, 2020


EYES OF ELISHA! Learning to Look to “the Hills” for God

Read 2 KINGS 6:8-23

Elisha and the entire city of Dothan finds itself surrounded by the forces of Israel’s enemy, Aram. In what ways might we currently feel “surrounded” by our “enemies” right now? Our enemies include the current Covid-19 pandemic, other health and financial challenges, people who are against us, sins we are tempted to hold on to, and so forth. More specifically, our enemy is Satan, who seeks to exploit our circumstances to destroy our faith. 

Let’s see what lessons can be gleaned from this account of Elisha and applied to our own situations. There are several key things we can learn from Elisha.

ONE: Like Elisha, Resolve to be a Man or Woman of God

What was different about Elisha’s response to seeing the army of Aram surrounding the city than that of his servant? Why do you think Elisha responded differently? What had prepared him to see something different?

Elisha remained faithful and secure because he had long been a man of God. His walk with God had prepared him for the challenging time and had conditioned him to see his God as bigger and more powerful than the crisis. How do you see God? What is bigger and more powerful in your mind? This pandemic? Some other challenge? Or is God bigger than any “enemy” you feel is surrounding you? Have you walked with God in such a way as to prepare you for crisis? Will you walk with him in such a way going forward?

We must resolve to be men and women of God. We must desire righteousness more than we desire relief! We must seek our Deliverer more than we seek deliverance. What is most important to you, that you escape your situation, or that you honor God with your righteousness in the situation? 

TWO: Like Elisha, See the Enemy’s Schemes

As God’s man, Elisha was able to detect the enemy’s schemes, protecting the King of Israel from harm. That’s what men and women of God are able to do. Because of their devotion to God’s word and walking with God, they, better than anyone, are able to recognize the enemy’s schemes, protecting both themselves and others.

Who is ultimately our enemy? As mentioned above, it is Satan. Read Ephesians 6:10-18 and 1 Peter 5:8-9. What do you learn from these two passages?

What are some of the schemes Satan may use against us? How might some of the schemes listed below reveal themselves in your current situation?

Lies (John 8:44)

Fear over faith

Selfish concern  rather than concern for others 




What are some effective “counter-attacks” against Satan’s schemes:

Prayer and Fasting

Virtual Fellowship and Encouragement

Quality times with God in Bible study

Continue serving brothers and sisters

Continue sharing your faith and building relationships with those who need to know Jesus

THREE: Like Elisha, Have Spiritual Eyesight

What did the servant see when he first went out in the morning? How did he react? What did Elisha see? Elisha saw God whereas the servant only saw the dire circumstances. Who are you more like? Elisha or his servant?

We must strive to see God. We must strive to see what God sees. During this time, in what ways might we need to adjust our view of prosperity and our priorities to experience the kind of security and peace Elisha did?

FOUR: Like Elisha, Pray

Elisha offers up two prayers in this passage. What is the focus of his first prayer? What is the focus of his second? 

As people of God, our first prayer should be to have our “eyes opened.” That is, pray to see what God wants us to see… to learn and grow from the spiritual lessons he wants to teach us through the situation! Only then should we pray for God to alleviate our suffering. Elisha does both. He prays for the eyes of the servant to be opened to see God’s army! Then, he prays for God to deal with the situation. 

FIVE: Like Elisha, Extend Grace

Elisha offers grace to his enemies. As God’s people and recipients of God’s grace, we should always honor and glorify our Father by extending grace to others, both brothers and sisters in the church and those outside of it.




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