A quick update from the Athens Church of Christ

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Sermon Follow-up for Sunday, January 24, 2021


EXODUS 34:23-27
Three times a year, the Israelites were commanded to stop what they were doing and assemble together as God’s people. These assemblies were to be accompanied by firstfruits offerings, and they were in accordance with the covenant the Lord established with his people. 


Today, we offer ourselves as “living sacrifices” (firstfruits) to God! While each of us must make an individual decision to offer our whole selves and the best of our time, energy, resources, etc. to God, we must do so viewing ourselves as a sacred assembly, the body of Christ!

Read the following passages. How do they relate to the theme of the church being God’s sacred assembly? 

Romans 12:3-5
1 Corinthians 12:27
John 17:20-23
John 13:34-35
Philippians 2:1-16
Ephesians 2:19-22
Galatians 3:28-29


We are to view the “assembly” (the church; the community of faith) as sacred! What does this mean? Is this how you feel about the church? What would be evidence that we value and protect the church and our role in it as things which are sacred? 

In 1 Corinthians, Paul seems to acknowledge that the Corinthian Christians are good at the “ritual.” They know how to do the outward acts as they have been taught. But they lack the right heart and, thus, are revealed to be spiritually immature. 

The spiritually immature do not view the church as sacred. They tend to view the church as something meant to serve them, rather than something they live to serve. They concern themselves with questions that are self-centered: What do I want? What do I have a right to do? What am I getting out of church? 

The spiritually mature, however, view the church as a sacred community and the body of Christ. They view the church as a spiritual family they are devoted to serving. They concern themselves with questions centered on God and the welfare of others: What will most glorify God? What will build others up and edify the church?

What are some of the ways we value and protect the church as this sacred assembly? 
Hebrews 10:23-25 — our attendance and participation
Colossians 1:3-6, 9-12 — praying for and choosing to love one another


Read EXODUS 34:23-24 again. What would have been the fear of an Israelite commanded to leave his land for a time to go and play his role in the sacred assembly? He would have feared invaders taking his land or, at the very least, his crops failing since he would not be there to tend to them. What promise does God make in verse 24 to those who have the faith to obey and join the sacred assembly? 

How does this passage relate to us? What “land” are you afraid to leave unattended for a while so that you can play your rightful role in the church? What are some things we sinfully use as an excuse not to serve the church and build up the body of Christ? Ask yourself the following questions? 

Are you devoting your gifts and talents first and foremost to glorify God and build up others and the church? Or are you predominantly using them to pursue your own agenda and take care of your own house? 

Are you actively engaging in the church, building relationships, and participating in the fellowship and worship assemblies, even if much of it has to be online right now? Are you building up the body with your attendance and participation? Or are you often absent when the body meets and choose not to engage in gatherings because you are “tired of Zoom.”

Are you allowing other priorities to be a reason for not actively engaging in, serving, and building up the church? Are you often letting family activities and concerns, work pursuits, and/or other interests and activities prevent you from playing your role in the sacred assembly? 

What, if anything, do you need to change or repent of to be more devoted to the church as God’s sacred community of faith?





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