I have been working hard creating and collecting material to help you and your children grow closer to God and His Word. During this time many different sources are making their curriculum and information free and available. I am trying to find these resources and combine them in one place. On our Google Classroom you will find Bible Class Curriculum (with links to music and discussion videos), Parent Resources, and Activities and even a digital copy of Jeff Rorabaugh’s book In The Middle of It!
*|IF:ARCHIVE_PAGE|*Please know that we have been given permission by the various sources to share these materials with you all. These are very generous people and companies. This offer will certainly cost them if the information gets out so they have asked that we do this in a way that is private and within our congregation, hence the private Google Classroom. This is a great gift during a time where we can’t get together in a classroom setting. My hope is that this helps us grow as a family in God and His Word.
Click on any of the images below and go to Google Classroom. Once you are there, you can add our classroom using the code WNCJGIQ. Confused? Email and I’ll send you a direct link to join. See the video below for a demonstration.
Join our private Children’s Ministry Parents Facebook page for updates and contests.
