October 3, 2023

Women’s Midweek
Tomorrow night – Wednesday, October 4 @ 7:00 PM
This is an OPEN WEEK for Family Promise with no Host Church supplying volunteers for the week. Help is needed to cover the hosting slots at the shelter in order to take care of the guest families and to keep everything running smoothly. If you are available to take any slots now through Sunday, October 8, please sign up: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/4090f4ca5aa29a4fe3-2022#/
Those who are wise will shine like the brightness of the heavens.
Daniel 12:3
In the children’s ministry this past Sunday, we talked about Solomon and how he asked God for wisdom when offered anything he wanted. This verse was the memory verse for the week. It’s so amazing how God gives all of us the ability to be wise no matter what our education level or learning abilities are. We can ALL be wise if we listen and learn from our Creator! One Sunday School lesson is obviously not sufficient to teach the children about being wise. I found this wonderful short article that gives some practical advice about teaching our children wisdom from the Proverbs. The article starts: “There’s a big difference between being intelligent and being wise. Lots of incredibly smart people lack wisdom, which causes them to make foolish life decisions. Find out what wisdom is and what you can do to instill it in your children.”
Update Your Calendars
Due to the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays, there will be no midweek services on Wednesday, November 22 or Wednesday, December 27.
Sundays @ 10:30 AM
Midweeks @ 7:00 PM
8 – Congregational Sunday Service
11- Men’s Midweek
15 – Congregational Sunday Service
18 – Congregational Midweek
22 – Congregational Sunday Service
25 – Congregational Midweek
29 – House Church Sunday Services
(Check with your House Church leader for time and location)
The 2023 Southeast Singles Retreat, entitled “Limitless – No Boundaries” will be in beautiful Chattanooga October 27-29! The goal is to create a space for people to spend time with God and to fellowship together in all walks of life and that everyone leaves inspired by our limitless God! As of October 1, the price is $50.
Singles Retreat Itinerary
Click on the picture to register.
Also, check out the flyer about the dance party on Saturday of the retreat!

Camp Swamp Retreat Schedule

To register for any of the retreats, click on the link: