This coming Saturday, January 20:

All Midweeks at the building will start at 7:30 PM.
All Sunday Worship Services at the building will start at 10:30 AM.
17 – Men’s Midweek
21 – Congregational Sunday Worship Service
24 – Congregational Midweek
28 – Meet in House Churches for Sunday Worship Service
31 – Hospitality Night

Children’s Ministry
January Memory Verse:
Turn all your worries over to Him. He cares about you.
1 Peter 5:7 (NIRV)
Lesson on Sunday, January 14: “A Little Man’s Big Change” (Zacchaeus)
Lesson Aim: Help the children understand that God is always ready to forgive us.

Fathers, do not exasperate your children, so they won’t become discouraged.
Colossians 3:21 (HCSB)
Fathers, do not exasperate your children; instead, bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord.
Ephesians 6:4 (NIV)
I remember as a young teacher learning the hard way that the more I escalated in my reaction to a child’s emotional meltdown, the worse it got. I love the way Dr. Siggie explains it in this short video. The comments are quite helpful, too.
I found this short article to also be helpful:
Don’t forget to sign up for the Marriage Retreat
“Rooted in Oneness” February 16-18
Click on GIVE NOW.
Choose your room from the drop down menu.
Questions? Contact Tara Buehler.
(770) 877-0476
La Table Cake Auction Fundraiser for Family Promise
We are excited about La Table and the Silent Auction/Bake Sale! All proceeds from the cake auction will go to Family Promise of Athens. We are hoping to have a cake or pie from each host and support congregation to display for the Silent Auction at La Table.
Cake containers and rounds will be available for the bakers at the Day Center (Athens First Baptist) starting Tuesday, January 16. There will be a sheet for the bakers to put their names on when they have picked up their container. Contact Madison at 770-294-9902 if you need help. Pick up at the Day Center is Monday – Friday, 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM.
Cakes should be dropped off at 1055 Barber (new venue) the day before the event (Monday, February 5) between 9:00 AM & 5:00 PM. If your cake requires refrigeration, please bring it Tuesday morning (February 6, the day of the event). If you need to make alternate arrangements for getting the cake or pie to 1055 Barber, please contact Patti or Kelly at They are happy to help!
We will also be having a “Pastor Bake Off” for the pastor’s cake that raises the most money for Family Promise! We would love to have as many pastors competing as possible. Last year’s top pastor cake brought $460 for Family Promise!
Kelly Hansford 706-247-0102; 706-769-4773
Patti Clark 706-540-2206; 706-769-4590
Family Promise Coordinators, Union Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
1130 Union Church Road, Watkinsville, GA 30677

Be sure to check out the lost and found on the shelves outside the women’s restroom for any items you or your family may have lost. Any unclaimed items will be thrown out or donated to charity at the end of January.
March Retreats at Camp Swamp
March 1-3: Daddy/Daughter Retreat
March 22-24: Mother/Son Retreat
To register for any of the retreats, click on the link: