Tomorrow night – Wednesday, April 3
Women’s Midweek @ 7:30 PM

It was great to see Miss Mollie at church on Sunday!
Alberta Patat is out of the hospital and in rehab after her hip surgery. She is at Pruitt Health – Athens Heritage in Room 602. The address is 960 Hawthorne Avenue, Athens, GA 30606. Visiting hours are 8:00 AM to 8:00 PM every day.
Elsie Mize is out of the hospital and recovering at home after having a heart ablation procedure done last week.
Erika Heinzle’s hand surgery went well last Friday.

Children’s Ministry classes Sunday, March 31
Lesson: Easter Joy!
Scripture Text: John 20:1-18; Luke 8:1-3
Lesson Aim: To help children understand that Jesus is alive.
There is no ACOC softball game scheduled for tonight.
Mark your calendars for upcoming games:
April 9, 16, 23, & 30

Midweeks at the building will start at 7:30 PM.
Sunday Worship Services at the building will start at 10:30 AM.
3 – Women’s Midweek
7 – Congregational Worship Service
10 – House Church Midweek
14 – Congregational Worship Service
17 – Men’s Midweek
21 – Congregational Worship Service
House Church Leaders Meeting 12:00-1:30 PM
24 – Congregational Midweek
28 – Meet in House Churches for Worship
Calling all teens!
Mark your calendars for this event April 13!
Register here:

Calling all young married couples and married couples with young children!
Join us for a workshop Saturday, April 20. We will be discussing the following topics: Laying the foundations of a successful marriage; Prioritize Unity and Partnership; Navigating Challenges Together. For more information or to RSVP, text Cindy Pursell at 706-713-6727.