Sing to God a brand-new song. He’s made a world of wonders! He rolled up his sleeves, He set things right. God made history with salvation, He showed the world what he could do. He remembered to love us, a bonus To his dear family, Israel—indefatigable love. The whole earth comes to attention. Look—God’s work of salvation! Shout your praises to God, everybody! Let loose and sing! Strike up the band! Round up an orchestra to play for God, Add on a hundred-voice choir. Feature trumpets and big trombones, Fill the air with praises to King God. Let the sea and its fish give a round of applause, With everything living on earth joining in. Let ocean breakers call out, “Encore!” And mountains harmonize the finale— A tribute to God when he comes, When he comes to set the earth right. He’ll straighten out the whole world, He’ll put the world right, and everyone in it. (Psalm 98) And don’t get drunk with wine, which leads to reckless actions, but be filled by the Spirit: speaking to one another in psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs, singing and making music from your heart to the Lord, giving thanks always for everything to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, submitting to one another in the fear of Christ. (Ephesians 5) Music is something extremely special. It has the ability to break down barriers or transcend them. Our heavenly Father commands us to sing and make music, no matter how great or awful we think we sound… or if we think we have natural ability or not. Music has the potential power to touch, spur, punch, challenge, convict, redirect, calm, quiet, remind, encourage, unite, inspire, excite, ignite, and even transport us. If you have ANY interest whatsoever in, or curiosity about, the church’s music ministry, please come to a brief organizational meeting next Sunday August 25th starting 10 minutes after the last song. We will meet in the section of chairs near the front of the stage. If you have any questions between now and then, please email, call, or text me. Really looking forward to seeing you then! ~Steve Gibson 706-351-3092